
Last year, when I blogged on NoSQL databases I briefly described the types of databases that are usually encompassed by the term NoSQL Databases.  In that series of blogs I reviewed three types of databases, Key-Value Databases, Column-Oriented Databases and Document Databases, before focusing my attention on RavenDB – a document database.

In this blog, I will introduce a fourth class of NoSQL Database – Graph Databases.  While Graph Databases are NoSQL Databases they are significantly different from the other three classes of NoSQL Databases.  Graph Databases are based on the mathematical concepts of graph theory. 

May 19 2013

BigData – it seems to be a technology area that is in vogue.  It encompasses technologies such as Hadoop, Hive, Pig and Sqoop – yes they all seem to have funny names. 

Every quarter, in the Engineering dept. at DNN Corp, we have quarterly reviews where we review with our manager the previous quarter’s objectives and establish objectives for the upcoming quarter.  At the beginning of this year one of my objectives was to become more familiar with these BigData technologies and determine which if any we need to be aware of.

May 9 2013

imageAbout 18 months ago I started a series on NoSQL Databases.  I haven’t blogged much on them for about a year, but recently I have been reading quite a lot recently about Big Data and NoSQL and my intentions is to continue blogging as I learn. 

Apr 1 2013

I continue my deep dive into DotNetNuke 7’s new DAL 2 with a look at the features that make up the repository component.

The IRepository of T interface can be considered the core of the new DAL 2. While the Execute methods of the IDataContext interface provide a DAL + like API, the benefits of the new API are really found when using the repository. The Repository Pattern is a common design pattern in modern data access layers.

Dec 19 2012

So far I have done a relatively high level review of the DAL 2 API. In this blog article I will start to take a deep-dive into the components that make up the API, beginning with the DataContext.

The IDataContext interface and the PetaPocoDataContext concrete implementation act as the entry point into most aspects of the DAL 2 API. While implemented as an Interface there is no expectation that any other implementation will be created, but the interface allows us to mock a concrete implementation for Unit Testing purposes.

Dec 17 2012

My wife and I are members of the Anglican Church of Canada.  Moreover, my wife is an ordained Deacon in the Church, and today she drew the short straw - it was her turn to preach.  She had prepared her sermon on Wednesday, as she was planning to spend Friday - her normal sermon prep day - on a day out shopping with a friend.  Given the events in Connecticut, she realized it needed a significant rewrite - Friday’s events were not something you could ignore.  Eileen does not have a blog so I asked if I could reproduce it here on my Blog.  And here it is in its entirety.

Dec 16 2012

I don’t usually write about non-technical stuff on this blog, but today is not a normal day.  Today, tragedy struck a small community in Connecticut as 20 children aged 5-10 yrs. old and at least 6 adults were tragically killed by what appears, at the time of writing, to be a lone gunman armed with an assault rifle- not a shut-gun that could be used for hunting or even a pistol but an assault rifle - and at least 2 other guns.

Dec 14 2012

In my previous post I reviewed Icenium - a new ICE (Integrated Cloud Environment) that is based on Apache Cordova.  But what is Apache Cordova? 

About a year ago Adobe announced the purchase of Nitobe - a small Vancouver company - whose main claim to fame was PhoneGap - a framework for building cross-platform mobile Apps.  With the purchase of Nitobe, the PhoneGap framework was released as an Open Source project and submitted to the Apache Software Foundation as an Incubator project.

Oct 26 2012

Earlier this week Telerik released a cool new development tool for creating hybrid mobile apps.  Icenium is an Integrated Cloud Environment that uses the SaaS - Software as a Service - model.  By hosting the development environment in the cloud developers don’t have to worry about managing the SDKs required to develop mobile applications.

Oct 25 2012


The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in anyway.
