Thoughts from the Wet Coast
The musings of an ASP.NET Developer from Canada's We(s)t Coast
In my previous post I reviewed Icenium - a new ICE (Integrated Cloud Environment) that is based on Apache Cordova. But what is Apache Cordova?
About a year ago Adobe announced the purchase of Nitobe - a small Vancouver company - whose main claim to fame was PhoneGap - a framework for building cross-platform mobile Apps. With the purchase of Nitobe, the PhoneGap framework was released as an Open Source project and submitted to the Apache Software Foundation as an Incubator project.
Earlier this week Telerik released a cool new development tool for creating hybrid mobile apps. Icenium is an Integrated Cloud Environment that uses the SaaS - Software as a Service - model. By hosting the development environment in the cloud developers don’t have to worry about managing the SDKs required to develop mobile applications.
The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in anyway.