
I have been working with Angular in my day job for a couple of years, starting with the initial betas of Angular 2, so when I decided to create a new personal APS.NET Core application, I decided I wanted the latest Angular 6 CLI support, together with the server side Angular support that Microsoft has added to ASP.NET Core in recent releases.

Sep 7 2018

This blog was originally posted on the DNN Community blog

DNN 8 will support creating modules using ASP.NET MVC version 5.1 (or later) as well as using a SPA (Single Page Application) module using HTML 5, JavaScript and ASP.NET Web API.  In previous blogs in this series I have described how these modules can be built and I have shown how localization is handled.  One topic still to describe is how both of these approaches can register module actions so they show on DNN’s module action menu.

Jul 15 2015 blog was originally posted on the DNN Community blog

DNN 8 will support creating modules using a SPA (Single Page Application) model using HTML 5, JavaScript and ASP.NET Web API based web services.  In a previous blog in this series I showed how you can set up your environment to create SPA modules. This model development style has been available ever since we added support for ASP.NET Web API, but in DNN 8 we have added support for html files to be module controls.  This means that we no longer require some form of code-behind file.  So how do we do things like registering JavaScript files that we used to do in those code behind files.  In this blog I describe how we have extended DNNs token support to provide these abilities.  As before the source code for my examples is available on Github at

Jul 10 2015 blog was originally posted on the DNN Community blog

In addition to ASP.NET MVC modules, DNN 8 will support SPA (Single Page Application) modules, developed purely with HTML JavaScript and Css, together with ASP.NET Web API based Web Services on the Web Server.  DNN currently supports this module type – to a degree - but the HTML is required to be in the WebForms User Control.  A number of the newer modules have been built this way, for example the Core Messaging module and Membership modules found in the User Profile are built in this way.

Jun 20 2015


The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in anyway.
