
I continue my deep dive into DotNetNuke 7’s new DAL 2 with a look at the features that make up the repository component.

The IRepository of T interface can be considered the core of the new DAL 2. While the Execute methods of the IDataContext interface provide a DAL + like API, the benefits of the new API are really found when using the repository. The Repository Pattern is a common design pattern in modern data access layers.

Dec 19 2012

So far I have done a relatively high level review of the DAL 2 API. In this blog article I will start to take a deep-dive into the components that make up the API, beginning with the DataContext.

The IDataContext interface and the PetaPocoDataContext concrete implementation act as the entry point into most aspects of the DAL 2 API. While implemented as an Interface there is no expectation that any other implementation will be created, but the interface allows us to mock a concrete implementation for Unit Testing purposes.

Dec 17 2012


The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in anyway.
