
A couple of weeks ago, I announced that I was leaving DNN Corp, my employer - either as a contractor or employee - for the last 9 years.  It was a difficult day, as this wasn’t my choice. 

Nov 2 2015

Closures are an important concept in JavaScript and give raise to some of the real power of the language. Later in this series I will discuss JavaScript module patterns – all of which rely on closures. In order to understand closures lets look at a specific example function.

Oct 30 2015

Almost a year ago I posted the first post in a new series of blogs on ASP.NET 5.  As it happened that post ended up being the only post as my work commitments meant that I wasn’t able to dive into the new features of ASP.NET 5.

So, now that I have some free time, its time to get back to the topic of ASP.NET 5.  Although ASP.NET 5 is still in Beta (Beta 8 is the current release), it is scheduled to be released in the first quarter of 2016, so the features are much more stable than they were in late 2014.

Oct 28 2015

In C type languages, such as C, C++, Java and C#, whether the curly brace starts on the same line or on a new line is basically a matter of convention.

However in JavaScript it does make a difference due to a feature of JavaScript called the “implicit semicolon”, If a statement doesn’t end in a semicolon then JavaScript interpreters will add one.


Oct 27 2015

Last week I posted an article on my Blog announcing that I was no longer working at DNN Corp.  As I usually do after posting a new blog I shared that on Twitter and Facebook.

Within about 10-15 minutes, I started getting Twitter DMs and comments on my Facebook post that my site was down.

Oct 21 2015

(with apologies to Rodgers and Hammerstein)

It is with some trepidation and certainly with mixed emotions that I am announcing that I am moving on from my position as Chief Architect at DNN Corp.

Oct 14 2015

As C# developers we think we know what variable scope is all about.  But if I showed you the JavaScript code below, what number would you think would be shown in the alert dialog.

Aug 26 2015

This blog was originally posted on the DNN Community blog

DNN 8 will support creating modules using ASP.NET MVC version 5.1 (or later) as well as using a SPA (Single Page Application) module using HTML 5, JavaScript and ASP.NET Web API.  In previous blogs in this series I have described how these modules can be built and I have shown how localization is handled.  One topic still to describe is how both of these approaches can register module actions so they show on DNN’s module action menu.

Jul 15 2015 blog was originally posted on the DNN Community blog

DNN 8 will support creating modules using a SPA (Single Page Application) model using HTML 5, JavaScript and ASP.NET Web API based web services.  In a previous blog in this series I showed how you can set up your environment to create SPA modules. This model development style has been available ever since we added support for ASP.NET Web API, but in DNN 8 we have added support for html files to be module controls.  This means that we no longer require some form of code-behind file.  So how do we do things like registering JavaScript files that we used to do in those code behind files.  In this blog I describe how we have extended DNNs token support to provide these abilities.  As before the source code for my examples is available on Github at

Jul 10 2015


The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in anyway.
